Illuminating Your Home: All You Need to Know About Skylights

Natural lighting is more than just a design choice; it's a lifestyle. A well-lit home can improve mood, boost productivity, and even have health benefits. But how can homeowners enhance natural lighting, especially in rooms where traditional windows might not be an option? Enter skylights - your solution to brightening up spaces in your home.

Skylights 101: Types of Skylights and Their Features

A skylight is a window installed in the roof of a building, specifically designed to allow natural light to flood into the rooms below. Unlike traditional windows that offer views of the surroundings, skylights provide an upward perspective, granting occupants a unique view of the sky, be it a sunlit blue expanse, a starry night, or a canvas of drifting clouds. But skylights are more than just roof windows; they are strategic architectural elements that can transform spaces, offering both functional and aesthetic benefits.

As the demand for skylights has grown, so have the varieties and features they come with. VELUX, a leading name in the skylight industry, offers a diverse range of skylights to cater to different needs and preferences. Let's explore some of the primary types:

Fixed Skylights: As the name suggests, these skylights are stationary and do not open. They're perfect for spaces where the primary goal is to introduce more light. 

Venting Skylights: These skylights can be opened to allow for ventilation. Depending on the design, they can be manually operated, electrically powered, or even solar-powered. Venting skylights are excellent for rooms where moisture or heat might accumulate, like bathrooms or kitchens, as they provide an escape route for the warm air, promoting better air circulation.

Sun Tunnels: These are a bit different from the conventional skylight designs. Sun tunnels are designed for areas where a traditional skylight might not fit, such as narrow hallways or closets. They capture sunlight from the roof, channel it through a reflective tube, and diffuse it into the room below, providing a soft, natural glow.

Each type of VELUX skylight is meticulously designed to cater to specific needs, ensuring homeowners have the flexibility to choose the perfect skylight for their space.

Benefits of Skylights

Skylights, beyond their obvious appeal as architectural features, offer a variety of benefits to homeowners. From enhancing energy efficiency to elevating the mood of a room, the advantages of having a skylight go beyond mere aesthetics. Here are some of the key benefits:

Energy Efficiency with VELUX Skylights:

Insulation: One of the primary benefits of VELUX skylights is their energy efficiency. Designed with double or triple glazing, these skylights provide top-notch insulation. This means reduced heat loss during the chilly winter months and minimized heat gain during the warm summer season, leading to potential savings on heating and cooling bills.

Low-E Coatings: Many VELUX skylights come equipped with low-emissivity (Low-E) coatings. This special layer reflects heat back into the room during winter, ensuring warmth, and deflects it away during summer, keeping interiors cool. This dual action not only enhances comfort but also contributes to energy savings.

Solar-Powered Options: Embracing renewable energy, VELUX offers solar-powered venting skylights. These harness the power of the sun to recharge a battery-operated system, allowing homeowners to open and close the skylight without the need for electrical wiring, thereby promoting energy conservatio

Did you know that homeowner’s who install solar technology on their homes could qualify for a 30% federal tax credit?*

*Consult with your tax professional to take advantage.

Aesthetic Appeal:

Transforming Spaces: Skylights have the unique ability to transform spaces. Whether it's a living room, bedroom, or hallway, a skylight can make it feel more spacious, airy, and connected to the outdoors. The influx of natural light can accentuate interior design elements, making colors pop and creating dynamic light and shadow patterns throughout the day.

Stargazing and Sky Views: Imagine lying in bed and watching the stars or waking up to a canvas of drifting clouds. Skylights offer unparalleled views of the sky, adding a touch of magic to everyday life.

Health and Well-being:

Natural Light Benefits: Exposure to natural light has numerous health benefits. It helps regulate our circadian rhythm, ensuring better sleep at night. Daylight exposure during the day can boost mood, reduce stress, and even enhance productivity. Rooms bathed in sunlight can become sanctuaries of well-being, promoting relaxation and positivity.

Ventilation: Venting skylights can aid in improving indoor air quality. By allowing fresh air to circulate, they can reduce pollutants, dispel odors, and mitigate the build-up of moisture, creating a healthier living environment.

Emotional Well-being: There's something inherently soothing about watching the rain patter against a skylight or observing the subtle shift of daylight. These small joys, facilitated by skylights, can contribute to emotional well-being, grounding us and fostering a deeper connection with nature.

Misconceptions about Skylights

Skylights are often surrounded by myths and misconceptions. These can deter homeowners from considering them as a viable option, despite their numerous benefits. Let's address some of these common misconceptions and set the record straight:

1. "Skylights Always Leak":

The Reality: This is perhaps the most prevalent myth associated with skylights. While it's true that improperly installed or low-quality skylights can be prone to leaks, it's not a universal truth for all skylights. Top-tier brands like VELUX design their skylights with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring they are leak-proof when installed correctly. The key lies in the proper installation and the use of appropriate flashing kits tailored for different roof types.

2. "Skylights Cause Overheating":

The Reality: There's a misconception that skylights can turn rooms into greenhouses, especially during summer. However, modern skylights come equipped with energy-efficient glazing and UV coatings that regulate temperature. Additionally, venting skylights can be opened to release hot air, ensuring rooms remain comfortable.

3. "Skylights are Only Suitable for Modern Homes":

The Reality: Skylights can complement a wide range of architectural styles, from rustic to contemporary. Their design, size, and placement can be tailored to blend seamlessly with any home's aesthetic, be it traditional or ultra-modern.

4. "Skylights Pose a Security Risk":

The Reality: There's a belief that skylights might be an easy entry point for burglars. In reality, skylights, especially those positioned on steep roofs, are challenging to access from the outside. Moreover, many venting skylights come equipped with locks, adding an extra layer of security.

5. "Skylights Aren't Suitable for Flat Roofs":

The Reality: Modern skylight designs are versatile and can indeed be installed on both pitched and flat roofs. Brands like VELUX offer specialized skylights and installation methods for flat roofs to ensure proper drainage and aesthetics.

6. "Skylights Require High Maintenance":

The Reality: As with any element of a home, skylights need periodic maintenance, but they're not excessively demanding. Regular cleaning and occasional checks for seal integrity can ensure they remain in top condition for years.

While misconceptions about skylights persist, understanding the facts can help homeowners make informed decisions. With high-quality products like those from VELUX and professional installation, skylights can be a reliable, efficient, and beautiful addition to any home.

Design and Customization

Skylights are not just functional additions to a home; they also play a significant role in its aesthetic appeal. With modern advancements, homeowners now have a ton of customization options at their disposal, allowing them to choose skylights that perfectly align with their design sensibilities. VELUX, being at the forefront of skylight innovation, offers a range of options that cater to diverse tastes and requirements.

Types and Styles:

Flexibility in Choice: VELUX offers a variety of skylight and suntunnels to cater to different needs. Whether homeowners are looking for fixed skylights to simply bring in more light or venting skylights for added ventilation, there's a design to meet their specific needs.

Size and Shape:

Diverse Dimensions: VELUX skylights come in a range of standard sizes to fit different roof structures and room dimensions. Whether it's a large living area that needs expansive illumination or a cozy nook looking for a touch of daylight, there's a skylight size to fit the bill.

Blinds and Shades:

One of the significant customization aspects VELUX offers is its range of blinds and shades. From blackout blinds for those who desire complete darkness to venetian blinds that allow homeowners to control the amount of light entering, the choices are vast. Available in numerous colors and patterns, these blinds and shades not only provide functional benefits but also contribute to the room's aesthetic.

Additional Features:

Homeowners can opt for skylights equipped with features like rain sensors, which automatically close the skylight at the first hint of rain, or remote controls for easy operation from any part of the room.

For those keen on sustainable solutions, VELUX's solar-powered skylights offer an eco-friendly option that harnesses the sun's energy for operation, eliminating the need for electrical wiring.

In essence, with VELUX skylights, homeowners are not just choosing a window for their roof; they are selecting a design element that can be tailored to their tastes and needs. The myriad of customization options ensures that every skylight is not just a source of light but also a reflection of the homeowner's style and preferences.

Integration with Roofing Solutions

A skylight is not merely a window on the roof; it's an integral part of the roofing system. Ensuring its seamless integration with the roof is crucial not just for aesthetic reasons but, more importantly, for the structural integrity, waterproofing, and insulation of the home. Here's a closer look at how skylights should be integrated with roofing solutions:

1. Importance of Proper Installation:

Waterproofing: One of the main concerns homeowners often have with skylights is the potential for leaks. Ensuring that the skylight is correctly installed, with proper flashing and sealing, is paramount to preventing water infiltration.

Insulation: A skylight, like any other part of the home, plays a role in the overall insulation of the space. Proper installation ensures that there's minimal heat transfer through the skylight, keeping the interiors comfortable in both summer and winter.

2. Flashing Kits for Waterproofing:

Customized Solutions: Every roof type, be it shingles, tiles, or metal, has unique requirements. Brands like VELUX offer specialized flashing kits tailored for different roofing materials. These kits are designed to ensure that water is directed away from the skylight and onto the roof, preventing any possibility of leaks.

Layered Protection: Beyond the flashing, a waterproof underlayment is often placed beneath the skylight, acting as an additional barrier against potential water infiltration.

3. Ensuring Seamless Aesthetic Integration:

Tailored to Roof Types: Skylights can be customized to fit the aesthetics of different roof types. Whether it's a flat roof, a pitched one, or any other style, skylights can be designed to blend seamlessly, enhancing the home's architectural appeal.

Harmony with Roofing Materials: The materials used for the skylight, including its frame and exterior, can be selected to complement the roofing materials, ensuring a harmonious look.

4. Role of Roofing Contractors in Skylight Integration:

Expertise Matters: The installation of a skylight is a task that requires expertise. Roofing contractors, like The Big Fish Contracting Company, bring their extensive experience to the table, ensuring that the skylight is installed correctly and integrated seamlessly with the roof.

Understanding Regional Needs: Companies like The Big Fish Contracting Company, serving areas like Allegheny County, Butler County, and Washington County, bring a deep understanding of the local climate and architectural trends. This knowledge ensures that the skylight is not just aesthetically pleasing but also functional and durable, tailored to the region's specific needs.

Skylights offer numerous benefits, their correct integration with the roofing system is crucial. With professional roofing contractors overseeing the installation, homeowners can rest assured that their skylight will be a source of light, beauty, and efficiency for years to come.

Cost of Skylights and How they Pay You Back

Skylights can transform a space, infusing it with natural light, enhancing its aesthetic appeal, and potentially increasing its energy efficiency. However, like any home improvement project, there are costs associated with the installation and maintenance of skylights. Here, we delve into the investment aspects, the potential return on investment (ROI), and other considerations homeowners should be aware of.

1. Overview of Investment:

Skylight Costs: The cost of the skylight itself varies based on its type, size, and features. For instance, a basic fixed skylight might have a different price point than an advanced solar-powered venting skylight with built-in blinds and rain sensors.

Installation Expenses: Installation costs can vary depending on the complexity of the job. Factors like roof type, the need for structural modifications, or the inclusion of additional features can influence the overall installation expense.

2. Potential Return on Investment:

Energy Savings: High-quality skylights, especially those from brands like VELUX, come equipped with energy-efficient features. By reducing the reliance on artificial lighting during the day and providing better insulation, homeowners can see savings in their energy bills.

Home Value Boost: Skylights can enhance the aesthetic appeal and functionality of a space, which can, in turn, increase its market value. Homes with skylights often appeal to potential buyers looking for naturally lit and airy interiors.

Intangible Benefits: Beyond the monetary returns, skylights offer intangible benefits. The influx of natural light can improve mood, productivity, and overall well-being. The connection with the outdoors, the view of the sky, and the natural rhythm of day and night can contribute to a better quality of life.

3. Other Considerations:

Maintenance and Durability: While skylights are designed for durability, periodic maintenance can extend their lifespan. Regularly checking seals, cleaning, and ensuring that the flashing remains intact can prevent potential issues down the line.

Tax Credits & Incentives: Homeowners might find tax credits or rebates available for installing energy-efficient skylights. These incentives can further improve the ROI.

Environmental Impact: For those conscious about their carbon footprint, choosing energy-efficient or solar-powered skylights can be a way to make an eco-friendly choice. Harnessing natural light and reducing energy consumption can have a positive environmental impact.

While the initial investment in skylights can be significant, the long-term benefits—both tangible and intangible—can make it a worthy addition to a home. As with any home improvement decision, homeowners should do their research, consider their specific needs, and consult with professionals, like The Big Fish Contracting Company, to get a clear understanding of the costs, potential ROI, and other related considerations.

Why Choose The Big Fish Contracting Company

When it comes to skylights and roofing solutions, not all contractors are created equal. The Big Fish Contracting Company stands out in the Greater Pittsburgh Area for a multitude of reasons, offering homeowners more than just services – we offer peace of mind, quality, and expertise.

Being a certified VELUX installer is not just a title; it's a testament to our expertise, training, and commitment to quality. VELUX, a leading name in skylights, acknowledges our proficiency in installing and servicing their products, ensuring homeowners receive the best possible installation and post-installation care.

Continuous Training: As members of the VELUX skylight service team, our professionals undergo continuous training. This ensures that we are up-to-date with the latest techniques, products, and best practices in the skylight industry.

Roofing and Skylight Expertise:

With years of experience under our belt, we've seen and handled a plethora of roofing and skylight challenges. This experience allows us to provide solutions that are both efficient and effective.

Comprehensive Approach: We understand that a skylight is an integral part of the roofing system. Our expertise as roofing contractors ensures that every skylight we install is perfectly integrated, ensuring waterproofing, insulation, and aesthetic appeal.

The Whole Approach to Exterior Remodeling:

Diverse Trades and Services: Beyond skylights, The Big Fish Contracting Company specializes in a range of exterior remodeling trades. From roofing to solar shingles, from vinyl siding to James Hardie siding, and from seamless gutters to comprehensive roof maintenance packages, we offer a holistic approach to exterior home improvements.

Top Customer Ratings: Our claim to quality is not just self-proclaimed. We are proud to be the number one customer-rated roofing company in the Greater Pittsburgh Area. This recognition speaks volumes about our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.

Serving the Greater Pittsburgh Area:

Local Understanding: Serving areas like Allegheny County, Butler County, and Washington County, we have a deep understanding of the local climate, architectural trends, and specific challenges of the region. This local insight ensures that our solutions are tailored to the unique needs of homes in the Greater Pittsburgh Area.

In essence, choosing The Big Fish Contracting Company means opting for quality, expertise, and a comprehensive approach to exterior remodeling. Whether it's the installation of a new skylight, a roof overhaul, or any other exterior project, homeowners can trust us to deliver results that stand the test of time.

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